Mock shoot

Mock shoot

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Before commencing with my main shoot i decided to carry out a mock shoot. Mock shoots hold a lot of advantages. I just wanted to make sure that i just get the hang of the shooting experience . Mock shoot made me well versed with all the technicalities of a camera as well as how to operate it with the help of a tripod. This was really helpful as later i wouldn't have to struggle with it . It also conserved a lot of time and made sure i could do everything at a normal pace.  

We shot at the same time of the day as we were going to for my main shoot so that we could check the lighting and also have a rough idea of how the final product could look like. Mock shoot also helped us in areas such as identifying the errors so that we could work on it and improvise on the flaws on the main day of the shoot.

We also wanted the actors to get used the idea of shooting in that kind of an atmosphere. It acted as a good excuse for them to practice their acting skills. Although the male actor (Devansh), the one doing the father's roles in the mock shoot was replaced with another actor (Chirag Gaba) as we discovered that Devansh looked to young for this role and didn't fit the criteria of playing a father's role.

Overall the mock shoot was very advantageous and helpful.
