what is a narrative?


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Narrative is a story connected by a series of events, fictional or non-fictional. It is an art of potraying a story in such a way that it catches the attention of the audience. For a narrative to deliver well to the audience, it needs to have a good, well-explained, detailed plot.

According to the 'Theory Of Narratology' introduced by Tzvetan Todorov it says that a story needs to have balance in the start and the end with disruption in the middle.

  1. Equilibrium
  2. Disruption by events
  3. Recognition that the disruption has occurred
  4. Attempt to repair the damage 
  5. Restoration of a new equilibrium 
One setback of this theory is that not all narratives follow this sequence as some of them might start from the disruptive stage or end by it.
Narratives can also end in a cliff hanger which leaves the audience in state of impatience causing them to have a urge to discover more.

Narrative codes are added to make the view more realistic and to give the audience a clear idea of how the story line is brought about. Some of them include:
  1. Flashbacks- give audience extra information about the past of the character which helps drive                       the story.
  2. Point of view shots- give audience the same view of action as a particular character.
Image result for point of view shots           Image result for flashback scenes in movies
