Narrative is a story connected by a series of events, fictional or non-fictional. It is an art of potraying a story in such a way that it catches the attention of the audience. For a narrative to deliver well to the audience, it needs to have a good, well-explained, detailed plot.
According to the 'Theory Of Narratology' introduced by Tzvetan Todorov it says that a story needs to have balance in the start and the end with disruption in the middle.
- Equilibrium
- Disruption by events
- Recognition that the disruption has occurred
- Attempt to repair the damage
- Restoration of a new equilibrium
Narratives can also end in a cliff hanger which leaves the audience in state of impatience causing them to have a urge to discover more.
Narrative codes are added to make the view more realistic and to give the audience a clear idea of how the story line is brought about. Some of them include:
- Flashbacks- give audience extra information about the past of the character which helps drive the story.
- Point of view shots- give audience the same view of action as a particular character.
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