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One should keep in mind that texts do play an important role in movies while inserting the title or while giving credits. Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. 

     They are also used to set an impact on the audience's mind in the initial few           seconds of the movie so it needs to be really creative and should be able to               catch their eyes.


Image result for beauty and the beast poster

Beauty and the beast is an american musical fantasy film produced by disney. Therefore the font is very creative with cursive writing. The ending words are shown as if they are frozen. This has to do a lot with what the film is going to consist and is like an overview of what the film could be about.

Image result for horror movie poster

The background, use of colours and the font itself suggests that the genre of this film is horror. The title 'FRIDAY THE 13TH' is written in red indicating blood or something fierce. The font used is very simple as the background is ellaborate and the poster would look extremely tacky.

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This movie has fulfilled the expectation of a rom-com movie. The title is calligraphic and in bright yellow. There are various cartoonic drawings next to it too.
