Codes and Conventions

Image result for thriller moviesCodes and conventions are signs and elements of a film that depict what genre the movie belongs to. The codes and conventions of a film vary from genre to genre. The symbolic codes include-

Objects: Things that can be used to explain the plot further. Eg: Bloody knifes for Crime genre

Colour: All colours have specific meanings depending on their context and how they are used. Eg - white is good, black is evil.

Setting: This creates a sense of time and place.                               

These are some of the key features that stay the same in genre. For my opening sequence, since my genre is drama, I would like to research and discuss about the key codes and conventions of drama.

1. Conflict
Conflict is the heart of drama. A plot is interesting when the conflict is great. Conflicts include realistic struggles depicting hardships, pain and difficulty. Conflict keeps the audience emotionally attached while the tension unfolds.

2. Real life Situations
Drama is known for its realism and how much theb audience can relate to it. There's always a plot of self development of the lead character after a major conflict has unfolded. The settings are often real life and the characters are also realistic.

3. Settings
Often include settings like a high school, home, shopping centre and neighbourhoods. Settings are what make the drama genre what it is.

4. Technical codes
Common kinds of shots such as two shots ( to show relationships), montages ( to show passages of time) and close ups (to show emotions) are crucial to a drama film.
Image result for train to busan genre

4. Iconography
A happy ending is a common feature in every drama film in order to spread the message that struggles can be overcome in real life too. The storyline is always conveyed as a journey more than a story.

5. Narrative
Starts happy ---- Problem is introduced-------Conflict/break down in relationships-----make up and solve the problem-----Happy ending.
